Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pickles and Ice Cream

**Warning the following post diverts from my typical laid back, chummy, Mike Meyers-esque humor.  I get a little venomous about certain things, for essentially no reason.  Just thought I would point that out before I get a billion comments about how angry I seem.**

Last time I covered the first doctor visit.  Normally, at that visit, the doctor gives you a list of things your wife can, and cannot have to eat.  Most are fairly obvious:  Shellfish, non-shellfish-fish, raw egg, chicken sashimi, etc.  Some are not so obvious, like certain high sodium foods.  Basically if you shouldn't be eating it normally, chances are you definitely should not be eating it while you're pregnant.

The doctor also will probably tell you that a normal pregnant woman gains about 3 or 4 pounds a month.  Let's do that math.  3.5lbs x 9 months = 31.5lbs.  If the baby weighs 7lbs, that means you just gained 24.5lbs.  Not a crazy amount of weight by any means.  I've gained that over 4th of July weekend.  Your doctor just doesn't want you pigging-out everyday and blaming it on the little parasite.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people use the phase "Pet Peeve".  One of my other biggest pet peeves is when pregnant women say, "I'm eating for two now."  Granted, often it's a joke made simply to make light of the fact that a woman has just eaten an entire cheesecake.  Unfortunately, sometimes it is literally being used as an excuse.  Your baby, who is the size of an orange does not need a Big Mac extra value meal all to himself.  In fact, he does not need a Big Mac at all.

I am all for feeding your cravings.  I live by the food rule that if something sounds good, have it.  Why deny yourself something your entire life?  I'm not going to look back on my death bed and say, "Boy, I sure did eat too much Little Caesar's."  Well, I might if I die of a Little Caesar's related heart condition.  If a woman wants a milkshake or fries or even that Big Mac extra value meal they should indulge.  There are old wife's tales that say that if a woman denies her cravings for strawberries, the baby will be born with a strawberry birthmark.  I think if a woman denies herself a Big Mac, the lack of pink slime in her diet will cause her baby to come out looking like a vessel for Vigo the Carpathian.  But giving in to a craving is not the same as living a lifestyle.

At least "The Sorrow of Moldavia" is a pretty cool nickname.

And I'm not talking about being fat, or being skinny, or dieting.  I'm simply talking about trying.  Putting forth an effort not to die when you're 35.  While I'm no expert on nutrition, I know what's good for me and what's bad.  And though I may not always adhere to this, it is important to make an attempt.  It is even more important to do so when someone in your family is pregnant.

If someone in your house had heart disease, would you make them bacon five days a week?  If someone you loved was diabetic would you make fudge pies for dessert every night?  No.  Absolutely you would not.  And if you are enabling someone in this way, you need to stop.

While pregnancy only lasts nine months, normally healthy women can develop serious conditions that can negatively impact their health.  For example, pre-eclampsia is an onset of high blood pressure that can lead to eclampsia and complications for the baby.  Where would a normally healthy woman get high blood pressure?  Sodium is one way.  Sodium such as the ass-load you would find in a batch of fries that accompany that extra Big Mac you just fed your unborn child.  So not only should you be thinking about the crap going to the fetus, but also know that junk food may severely harm your wife who is now much more vulnerable to illness.

Basically, if you're a man and your wife is pregnant, take charge.  Learn to cook and make your wife some delicious and healthy dinners.  Don't enable by giving in to every crap food choice she wants.  Yeah she's pregnant and you love her, but if you really love her you want her to stay healthy.  If you sit back and watch your wife's blood pressure slowly build, you're not doing your job.  This is your chance to start protecting your family.

Ok, so some fast food, pizza, donuts, ice cream and pickles are alright sometimes, but just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you're trying out to be a competitive eater.  Indulge sometimes, but be mindful.

If you are a husband, take over making dinner and make them healthy.  Above all, keep your wife happy.  Don't forget, if she wants to pig out on BBQ pulled pork, you get to as well.

And never forget, keep away from the seafood.  For your health.

Next time:

Your Baby Names Suck!

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