At the risk of looking like a total jag-bag, I'm going to 100% ripoff one of my favorite comedy sites, The list format just seemed to work well for this. If any of you feel like narcing on me, please don't. Those fools have nothing better to do than berate and wedgie me for stealing their format. Those international blogger conventions are hell for the independent blog artist such as myself.
Before you start to do all the heavy lifting remember these few things. First, your wife can't do any heavy lifting. Second, she should not hang out in the room despite the deliciously inviting aroma of paint fumes. Finally, never question any of the decisions she has made about the room. Long story short: she's the foreman, you're the slave. It's like the conception night all over again.
#5. Batman Baby - Boy
I just keep picturing that Phil Collins scene from American Psycho
Where to begin with this turd of a room. First of all, who in the world could afford to put together shit like this. Only Bruce Wayne himself could furnish the extravagant custom made bat furniture seen in this room. Is that a friggin' tumbler crib? It's cool and all, but I heard that the conversion kit to a toddler bed is sold separately. Also, the bed is clearly a king made for an adult, or more likely, multiple adults. My point is, somebody is probably using it for dirty business. I suppose you'd have to have money to convince any woman to come back to your house and get busy in your Batman bed. Why a bed like that would be a room clearly decorated for a child is anybody's guess.
Sadly, what bothers me the most about this room is the mixing of Batman genres. It isn't like they took and collected parts of the Caped Crusader throughout the years and combined them into an eclectic and interesting way. Clearly, this person just saw "Batman Begins" and Tim Burton's "Batman" then decided to mix them up into some sort of Batman butt-mud. I really wish I could make out the Sistine Chapel style painting on the ceiling. I imagine it is a portrait of Batman with his arm around the wonderful Katie Holmes-Cruise-Holmes and Maggie "My Brother is Prettier" Gyllenhaal.
Now that I'm looking at it, it appears to be a hotel room rather than a kid's room. This seems like a much more idiotic idea.
My Take
It's so easy. Kids are drawn to bright colorful things with simple shapes and designs. Paint the whole room black. Then, go and buy yourself that tumbler crib or whatever it is. You're halfway there. Now just stock the place with black furniture. Then, what you'll want to do is, get the biggest can of yellow paint you can imagine. Tape off a big bat-symbol in the middle of the biggest wall, and go to town. Stock with the coolest Batman toys available (you know, the ones that will hurt any child under the age of 10) and you're good to go. The bat-symbol will pop so well in all the black, your child will be fixated on it. Hell, they might just grow up to be an awesome crime-fighter because of it.
#4. Hunting Blind - Boy
Sadly, most of the camo rooms weren't as gaudy or offensive as I had hoped. The room pictured is actually really neat if you get rid of the camo. It has a very nice homey and woodsy feel that would fit in nicely at a cozy house in Michigan. Of course, with the camo, it looks a little like Ted Kaczynski's nursery.
Does that sign in the bottom right say "Whorish"?
My Take
Well the walls have to be camo. Duh. The whole reason to do a camo room is to paint the whole thing in camo. I would want this kid to be able to use the whole room like one big hunting blind. The next step would be to get rid of all the "stuffed animals" and put in some Stuffed Animals. A giant bear poised over the crib would be just the thing the kid needs to desensitize him enough to be able to kill one with his bare hands someday.
Take this one, replace the bed with a crib, change the mentally challenged tiger to an animal of your choosing, and you're ready to go. Your daughter can grow up to be a Chicago Bears cheerleader with little to no effort on her part.
My Take
Football and basketball are getting so passé, and baseball was never cool enough to have cheerleaders in the first place. The only sport our kids are going to be watching in 20 years is UFC, so the logical step is Ring Girl Room. It is so much better. Your daughter won't even have to pick up any special skills like talking and moving simultaneously. She just has to be able to lift a card above her head and walk in high heels. For the room, just fill the closet with stilettos and string bikinis. Oh and then hire a contractor to reshape the room into an octagon so she can get used to walking around that shape. Posters of sweaty men fighting are optional.
#3. Cheerleader - Girl
I like sports, but if I have a girl there's no way she can play. Sports are for boys dummy. Plus, where would a girl put a jock strap? Naturally, the next logical step is cheerleader. If it's a girl, the best you can hope for is that they will be pretty enough to be allowed to cheer on the boys of her class.
Again I hit google for some ideas. Not many rooms out there for girls under the age of 12 or 13. I guess most people aren't pushing for their daughters to be cheerleaders right out of the womb. (Side note - do not just willy nilly type Cheerleader Bedroom into google unless you are prepared for the consequences.) I found one that was almost terrifying enough to be added to this list.
Again I hit google for some ideas. Not many rooms out there for girls under the age of 12 or 13. I guess most people aren't pushing for their daughters to be cheerleaders right out of the womb. (Side note - do not just willy nilly type Cheerleader Bedroom into google unless you are prepared for the consequences.) I found one that was almost terrifying enough to be added to this list.
Sadly giant tiger artists are hard to come by.
My Take
Football and basketball are getting so passé, and baseball was never cool enough to have cheerleaders in the first place. The only sport our kids are going to be watching in 20 years is UFC, so the logical step is Ring Girl Room. It is so much better. Your daughter won't even have to pick up any special skills like talking and moving simultaneously. She just has to be able to lift a card above her head and walk in high heels. For the room, just fill the closet with stilettos and string bikinis. Oh and then hire a contractor to reshape the room into an octagon so she can get used to walking around that shape. Posters of sweaty men fighting are optional.
#2. Clown Room - Unisex
Babies love bright colors. Babies love fun. Babies love laughing. Babies love frightening hobos who cover their wretched, gnarled faces with grease paint. If a baby could immediately talk, it would ask for a clown room. Make your baby's dreams come true with a deliciously hilarious clown room.
Sadly, searches for clown baby room on google yielded little to no results. There weren't even joke rooms listed. So many people love clowns, but refuse to pay them homage by adorning a section of their house in the national clown colors. I did find one room which apparently someone designed on a computer in 1993. Would you like to see it? No? Too bad, I refuse to face this nightmare alone.
Sadly, searches for clown baby room on google yielded little to no results. There weren't even joke rooms listed. So many people love clowns, but refuse to pay them homage by adorning a section of their house in the national clown colors. I did find one room which apparently someone designed on a computer in 1993. Would you like to see it? No? Too bad, I refuse to face this nightmare alone.
The scariest thing about this room is the wallpaper. It literally feels as though it will start breathing at any moment. Also, I don't know who decided dressing up animals and things as clowns would be a good idea, but it really just lends itself to the whole "I have no clue what is under that makeup" vibe. Did you see the lamp shade? No you didn't, because it is eerily camouflaged into the wall paper. Matching patterns on furniture to the pattern of the wallpaper is just one way to create optical illusions that will drive a small child to the brink of madness. That's how David Lynch does it.
My Take
The subtle creepiness is the true stuff of nightmares. If you think about the scariest movies you've ever seen, the worst parts are always the ones where you just feel uneasy for an extended period of time. That's why my clown room would just be an overt carnival of horrors. I'm talking a painted sewer vent in the corner of the room with Pennywise peaking his head out. There should be a life-sized statue of any or all of the Killer Klowns from Outerspace. And a recreation of the "Can't sleep clown'll eat me" headboard from the Simpsons. There are any number of things you can do. The good news is your kid will be so used to clowns, you will actually be able to take them to the circus. That is, if you weren't so bat-shit scared of clowns yourself.
#1. Clean and Simple - Unisex
Many people are looking for a nice modern look. Neutral walls and simple, classic furniture are a style that can look good in any home with little effort. Google is ripe with pictures of rooms like this.
Paint, buy furniture, cover outlets and you're done. Obviously there is nothing in here for the baby to be distracted by, so it can concentrate on growing and pooping like a good baby.
Paint, buy furniture, cover outlets and you're done. Obviously there is nothing in here for the baby to be distracted by, so it can concentrate on growing and pooping like a good baby.
My Take
I would take this room two steps further and turn it completely into the magical white-walled wonderland that is the eastern European orphanage. All the best and brightest come from inside the walls of these amazing baby factories. To recreate in your own home simply paint the walls eggshell white, make a crib from chicken-wire (cheap and effective), and install a food slot on the door. This is the latest in Laissez Faire parenting. It will teach your child to be creative and resourceful, putting them head and shoulders above all the other coddled, needy children their age.
When you do prepare the baby's room remember they really won't know or notice most of the things around them. Seriously, the clown room described above is going to torment you more than it will the child. As soon as your kid is old enough to decide what they like, that's what they're going to want plastered all over their walls. If your daughter does want to be a cheerleader, then decorate her room that way. Kids should be encouraged to follow their dreams. Unless their dreams are stupid, then they should be dashed on the white walls of orphanage room.
Next time